quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2013

Inspirations - Tiger Temple - Thailand

Uma das minhas grandes fontes de inspiração são as viagens, as diferentes culturas e tudo o que isso envolve, desde museus, arquitectura, hotéis, restaurantes, comida, moda até ao life-style.
Encontrei esta fotografia tirada no templo dos tigres na Tailândia, um pais tão intenso como interessante.
Sem sombra de duvida um dos meus países preferidos.

For me the biggest way to get inspiration is the traveling, meeting new different cultures and everything that it involves, from going to museums, the architecture, hotels, restaurants, food, fashion to the life-style.
This photograph that I found was taken at the tigers temple in Thailand, a country as intense as interesting.
It is one of my favorite countries in the world. 

Photo - Isabel Pires de Lima in Thailand

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